2020 Anno Domini

If, as an Emerging Man, you think you have something over little children… you are sadly missing an unadulterated well of wisdom.

Christmas 2020.

In 1965 a little comic strip came alive as an animated special… and special it was.

When it was finished the creator Charles M. Schultz wondered, “did we hit the mark?”

Lee Mendelson tells the story that when the show was finished, Lee, Bill and about ten of the animators gathered to watch it. When it was over Bill and Lee were concerned that it seemed too slow, and that they may have missed the mark. Some of the others felt the same. But one animator stood up in the back of the room and said, “You guys are nuts. This is going to run for years and years.”


If you listen closely to a child, once in awhile, you will hear the true meaning to a plethora of topics.

Christmas is no different.

A good friend, mentor, and brother in Christ, pointed out to me the fact that during his discourse on the passage from the book of Luke, Linus lets go of his security blanket.

The special first aired in 1965… I’ve been watching it since 1969… and this is a new fact for me.

Watch closely…

Linus does know the true meaning of Christmas… and instead of a worldly fuzzy, warm item that doesn’t really provide comfort or true security… he is able to put his blanky down and embrace true security.

Again… watch closely… and if you already knew this… why didn’t you say something?

“and a little child shall lead us.”

From one Emerging Man to another… by way of The Lion of Judah…

Merry Christmas.

2 thoughts on “2020 Anno Domini

  1. And I continue to learn, thanks for the little hidden gem “Anno Domini”


    1. Thanks Paul. Sometimes hiding in plain sight is the best.


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